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Hello readers! How are you? Have you started your best this month? Today you can learn more about the author of Blanky and Sour Candy, two intriguing horror published by Nua Edizioni.

Let’s discover together this brilliant horror author – Kealan Patrick Burke

He was born in a small harbor town in the south of Ireland, he just knew from a very early age that he was going to be a horror writer. The combination of an ancient locale, a horror-loving mother, and a family full of storytellers, made it inevitable that he would end up telling stories for a living.

In 2004, he was honored with the Bram Stoker Award for his novella The Turtle Boy.

How much of you we can find in your novels?

It depends on the story, really. Some stories have so much of me, they’re basically memoirs disguised as fiction. Other times, I use my characters as avatars to explore my own grief or fears or anxieties. In that regard, horror fiction is incredibly cathartic.

When you start writing a story, did you have it all figure it out in your head or did you decide things along the way?

Sometimes ideas come to me complete. Other times, it might just be a scene or an opening line or a single image or a what if? And often the complete idea changes while I’m writing it. I never outline. I find it spoils the discovery process. More often, I’ll start the story with a vague idea or a basic concept and see where the road takes me. It’s more fun that way. I like to be surprised.

Has it ever happened to you to lose control of your life as it happens to the characters of your novels? 

Never as bad as that, thank God, but doesn’t everyone’s life fall to pieces every now and then? I only know how to write about grief, regret, loss, and personal anguish because, like most people, I’ve experienced it quite a bit and I write these things as a way to make sense of it all.

Kealan Patrick Burke

You are a Stephen King fan, which one of his books do you prefer? 

Too many to name just one, but among my favorites are IT, Salem’s Lot, Pet Sematary (the first King book I read), Misery, The Shining, Dolores Claiborne, Cujo, Needful Things, The Green Mile, and 11/22/63.

What kind of message would you like to pass over to your readers?

Thank you for being readers. You are, quite literally, the reason writers get to write. Without you, we’re nothing.

Did you already know the books of this author? For us it was a pleasure to meet him, thanks also to the publishing house that acted as an intermediary!


Informazioni sull'autore

Ho aperto Dreamage Blog nel 2017! Sotto sotto sono la piĂš ansiosa delle blogger e quella che legge di piĂš. Viaggio e fotografo in giro per il mondo, ma insieme a me ho sempre qualcosa da leggere, non importa il genere! Lavoro come Content creator e Social Media Manager, se cercate una mano a gestire i vostri profili contattatemi!

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